Thursday, July 21, 2011

360 Hours of Juice!

Today I have started my 15 day juice fast, and everyday I will be chronicling my thoughts and experience here.  Be prepared for an incoherent rant (with typos and poor grammar).
Not an adventure you try going 15 days with no food, no chewing anything. That my fellow wanderer of the internet is an adventure.Throughout this time I will not be taking time off work, I will be living my life like I would regularly but with no solid food. Just fruit and veg juiced daily for every meal.15 days...  
Day 15: WTF did I get myself into!
So far so good. I get light headed, and dizzy at times but overall I don't feel too bad. I get random cravings, like over medium eggs...Mmm or my Grandma's famous cheese omelet. But I am highly optimistic, so far the only real hurdle is finding the perfect juice recipe that will last another 14 days. Today's was an unsuccessful experiment. I should clarify though, I did not just wake up today and start my juice fast. I have spent the last week preparing my body for this extreme challenge. Limiting the heavy foods I love so much, (burgers, pizza etc) and even having to cut out my beloved coffee. I have found that even with those changes I feel better, have more energy and am losing a bit of weight. But that would be too easy! This last week leading up to today I have been on almost exclusively a juice and raw diet. Already I notice the smell of food is very powerful. I seem to smell all the food around me, tempting me, nay inviting me. But I charged myself with this challenge, and I will make it to the end. Until then, I will update you regularly.


  1. I'm glad that you decided to blog about this!! I will be checking in regularly and hope that you find a good juice mixture sooner as opposed to later. Stay strong, I would have such a tough time resisting all the temptations! Keep up the great work :)

  2. I started at the same time as Alex, (just doing it for a much shorter time), and have to report that last night I was like a rat on crack. I seriously was buzzing with weird energy, rearranged the entire kitchen at 11PM, lol. It was kind of great, in a weird way. I have this strong desire to organize EVERYTHING. Today I feel like I have that feeling of getting over a mild flu, (not horrible, just lethargic, achy, with an empty-ish stomach). Surprisingly, though, I didn't have trouble sleeping last night. Just figured I'd throw that in there since everyone has a different experience!
